4 Great Reasons to Buy an Inflatable Boat

saturn boats

We’ve talked about it before, inflatable boats are a great option for cruising around on the open water and fishing. There are countless reasons to buy an inflatable boat, but four of them are hard to ignore. Why struggle to get your boat to the water? Why worry about whether or not you can get to your favorite fishing spot? Why wonder if you can take your friends out onto the water on a hot summer day?  Continue reading

The Lightweight Advantage of Inflatable Boats

Inflatable boats transportation

Transporting a boat to and from the water is never a pleasant experience. Hooking up trailers, checking lights, even getting boats in and out of storage after a long and hard winter can be a hassle. A lot of these transportation needs also cost quite a bit of money. With inflatable boats, transporting a small fishing boat really isn’t much of a problem because of how lightweight inflatable options are.  Continue reading

Inflatable Boat Profile: The 14′ Saturn KaBoat

Saturn kaboat

Sometimes, you need a boat to power around the lake. Sometimes, you want a kayak to paddle down the stream or river. At Saturn Boats, you can have both. Saturn manufactures a series of inflatable boats that are the perfect cross between inflatable boat and kayak. The 14 foot Saturn KaBoat is a cross between small inflatable boat and kayak that can be paddled or attached to a motor.

For a true inflatable crossover, the 14 foot Saturn KaBoat is a perfect choice for river, stream, pond, or lake.  Continue reading

The Benefits of a Small Inflatable Boat: Simple Fishing

Inflatable fishing kayak

Fishing shouldn’t be complicated. Fishing shouldn’t be frustrating and difficult to do. Fishing should be fun, relaxing, and easy to enjoy by people from all backgrounds. Fishing should also be safe and accessible, and inflatable boats are the perfect option on every front. The portability, stability, and maneuverability of inflatable boating options give fishermen the chance to make the big catch without spending tens of thousands of dollars.  Continue reading

Inflatable Boat Profile: The 11’ Saturn Dinghy Tender

11 Saturn Dinghy Tender inflatable -boat

So, you want to enjoy the water but don’t want all the hassle that goes with a larger boat. The 11’ Saturn Dinghy Tender inflatable boat from Saturn Boats is small yet durable, portable yet feature rich. The 11’ Saturn Dinghy Tender weighs in at just 99 pounds with an air floor, but can carry a total of five passengers and up to 1210 pounds.

Oh, and it’s kinda’ pretty, too.  Continue reading

Inflatable Boat Profile: The 18′ Saturn Inflatable Boat

18 Inflatable Boat by Saturn

Small inflatable boats are great, but sometimes you need that little bit of extra space. At Saturn Boats, we carry inflatable boats of many sizes to meet the specific needs of water lovers of all shapes and sizes. The 18′ Saturn Inflatable Boat is the perfect option for families or groups of friends that want to enjoy the water without being too crowded (or spending an arm and a leg for the convenience). Continue reading

What It’s Like to Fish From a Small Inflatable Fishing Boat

Inflatable fishing boat saturn

Believe it or not, fishing from an inflatable boat is just like fishing from a traditional boat. In fact, it might even be a bit more convenient. Casting a rod off the side of a small inflatable fishing boat requires exactly the same skills as casting one from the side of a traditional, hard-hull boat. The difference, however, lies in the portability and convenience an inflatable boat offers.  Continue reading

How to Transport an Inflatable Boats to Water

How to transport inflatable boat

For people with large, traditional boats, getting to the water can be a real hassle. If they don’t have a large enough truck and trailer, they are completely out of luck. Some pay for docking throughout the year, but that cost could buy them a completely new inflatable boat. For people who own an inflatable boat, the water is just a drive away.  Continue reading